Most people admire those who live long lives and become ancient or immortal (centenarian). Some people are envious, and some want to be able to do the same. Most people aspire to longevity through good health of the body and mind. Tortoise: The Way of Longevity is written because people want to know what the immortals know, and if it is a secret or if it is just genes. Others realize it is a secret, and want to ask the immortals to share what they know and are hiding from the rest of us. There have been many experiments to try and figure out the secret trick or elixir, but to no avail. Many have poisoned themselves thinking what they concocted was the fountain of immortality, and others have hunted in the lowest cave and the highest mountain to find this mysterious pool called the fountain of youth. Tortoise: The Way of Longevity explains that there is such a thing as ways to increase long life and practice immortality, but it requires one to realize it is by doing the things we know, and also discovering the rest of the so-called secrets hidden in plain sight. Ancients and immortals are people that live to a very old age. For example, ancients are those who live beyond the mean, such as the age of 95 and beyond. Immortals are those who live to be 100 years and older. In the West they are called centenarians. A centenarian is a person who lives to or beyond the age of 100 years. Because life expectancies everywhere are less than 100, the term is invariably associated with longevity. A super centenarian is a person who has lived to the age of 110 or more. In the East they are called ancients and immortals (super centenarian.) There are a lot of people who live to become senior citizens, but in some cultures such as China, this is expected and they consider that at the of age 65 years old one is still a baby, and has many adult years ahead of them. Tortoise: The Way of Longevity tries to explain that the important criteria to know is how one can add to their lifespan by paying attention to simple things such as foods, herbs, exercise, and the importance of relaxation. Tortoise: The Way of Longevity explains further that we should understand what to focus on such as mind, energy, and spirit, called the “three treasures.” This new book on Tortoise: The Way of Longevity is vital for all those who seek to live a long life and want to understand longevity. There is a need to share information and wisdom so that all can take advantage of what those who have reached the age of ancients and immortals know and can share what they have learned. There is a serious need to share experiences and knowledge for all who want to live and maintain healthy, long lives. Tortoise: The Way of Longevity introduces us to realizing that we need to have good habits, good thoughts and good practices that will help us to not only maintain our health, but also increase our longevity.
Paperback: 212 pages
Publisher: Movement Publishing; 1 edition (July 10, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1513612824
ISBN-13: 978-1513612829
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches