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Mastering The Art Of Taijiquan.

Mastering the Art of Taijquan is an opportunity to help assist others to become masters, appreciate and become lovers of the art. Mastering the Art of Taijiquan also answers some of the vital questions we all ask and search for as to how to practice the higher art of Taijiquan. Mastering the Art of Taijiquan explains why we should cultivate our consciousness and energy for health and long life!

Taijiquan, which is sometimes called Taiji or Tai Chi, continues to gain popularity throughout the world for its self-defense and health benefits.

Master George E. Samuels wrote this book to help others learn about and become more proficient in the Chinese martial art. He pays particular attention to the classics, which must be studied as much as a master’s teachings. Get the answers to critical questions such as:

• Are martial arts only learned for fighting?

• How do internal martial arts differ from external martial arts?

• What do you need to know to learn and practice Taijiquan?

• What is the highest goal of martial arts and Taijiquan?

If you want to know more about the art of Taijiquan or are actively seeking to reach a higher level of practice, then you need assistance, information, and insights from a master. Get ready to reap enormous benefits by Mastering the Art of Taijiquan.

by George Samuels

Mastering The Art Of Taijiquan  

  • Paperback: 288 pages

  • Publisher: iUniverse (April 30, 2015)

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-10: 1491765844

  • ISBN-13: 978-1491765845

  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Mastering The Art Of Taijiquan.
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